Monday, November 8, 2010

Maci Has Been Adopted!

I'm very, very happy to announce that Maci has found her forever home! She met her new family on Saturday and it was such a special moment. I couldn't tell who was happier: Maci when she ran out the door to meet her new family, The Petersons when Maci jumped into her new Dad's lap and wouldn't leave his side, or me, to finally see Maci connected with her new family and know it was a perfect match!! In other words, it was a GREAT weekend!

I've already been updated on Maci's long ride home and her first few days with her new family, and she is fitting in perfectly. I'm excited to hear more and to keep in touch with the Petersons as this story continues.

It's dogs like Maci and families like the Petersons that remind us why we do what we do and how special it is to help a family find the missing piece to their puzzle.


  1. Joslyn. Today, Tom, Luke & I went back to look at the original Fluffy Dog Rescue Notice for Maci. So, glad it is still posted. That led us to your blog - again, we so appreciate the documentation you provided. It brings back sweet memories. Do you have any dogs currently?
